Monday, May 22, 2006


i was inspired by time by pink floyd and i wrote this

alive to see the nothingness of empty space
then to see nothing exploding to fill the space
time watches the beginning of life that live and die
in its eyes it sees no meaning in the truth or the lie

the flame flickers when you watch the candle melt down
it reminds you that nothing can last forever on its own
thinking of it relatively you think your life is too long
but looking back you find too fast the days have gone

your fear for the eternal darkness makes you ignorant
time heals the memories of those that came and went
counting your money you're worried planning your future
one day you find you have only the past and no future

time remembers the length of your life and many more
its memory becomes empty space somewhere below and above
but you will be gone one day to remember nothing
yet the clock ticks on still waiting for something

with these haunting thoughts lingering in your head
you are left alone knowing that someday you'll be dead
for one day all has to surrender to the immortal king
when he will obliterate all and return to nothing